How Do Gender Reveals Work?

Gender reveals are growing to become one of the most popular events in the world, but what’s going on under there? Have you ever wondered how they work?

Well, we’re here to explain! If you’re planning on throwing one of these events, we want to help make it as special as possible, so keep reading.

The Short Answer

Gender reveals are all about sharing the news of your baby’s gender with your loved ones in a creative and exciting way. 

There are many different ways to do that, but the most popular method is by using a special cake or balloon that will release either pink or blue powder (or sometimes something else entirely) to let everyone know what you’re having!

Now, let’s go into a bit more detail about how they work.

Gender Reveal Parties: All About the Surprise!

Ready to throw a gender reveal party? Take our word for it: It’s one of the most exciting and unique types of parties you can throw as a parent-to-be. If you’re still unsure how to plan it, here’s everything you need to know.

When Did Gender Reveals Become a Thing?

First of all, don’t worry if you’ve never heard of this before. Gender reveals haven’t always been a thing, but they only started gaining momentum in 2008 or so, by Jenna Karvunidis, who was inspired by her own pregnancy. It’s definitely still a new concept, but since 2008, it has grown in popularity, with themed parties and festive decorations added to the mix!

Who Gets Invited to a Gender Reveal?

Traditionally, the gender reveal party is an intimate event just for family and close friends. After all, it’s a pretty personal moment! But if you want to share the news with a larger audience, that’s definitely possible too. Just make sure to avoid any leaks – you don’t want to ruin the surprise!

How Do Gender Reveals Work?

The most popular way to reveal the gender of your baby is by using a cake or balloon. The cake is usually either blue or pink on the inside, and when cut open, it’ll release either blue or pink powder (or something else entirely).

As for balloons, they’re usually filled with either blue or pink confetti, and once popped, will shower everyone with colorful paper. But there are many different ways to do this, so feel free to get creative.

For instance, some popular methods include using a piñata filled with pink or blue candy, having someone dress in opposite colors and run a contest, shooting off pink/blue fireworks, releasing a banner, or writing down the announcement on a chalkboard or whiteboard with dry-erase markers and let everyone sign around it as congratulations.

No matter which way you choose to do it, just make sure to have fun with it! 

We also wrote an article that describes how far during pregnancy most women have their gender reveal.

Who Reveals the Big News?

In almost all cases, it’s the mother-to-be who cuts into the cake or pops open a balloon to reveal their baby’s gender. In fact, some traditions have it that it has to be the mother who does it, no matter what! This is probably because she’s the one who has been carrying the baby for nine months and is most excited to find out the news. 

But if you want to make it a group effort, that works too!

The Moment of Truth

So, what happens when the cake is cut, or the balloon is popped, and the gender is revealed? Typically, the guests will be surprised and excited to find out what you’re having. The mother-to-be might even cry tears of joy! There might also be cheering and a whole lot of celebrating. It’s definitely a moment worth capturing on video or in photos.

After that, it’s time for the gift opening! Your friends and family have probably brought a few gifts with them, so it’s time for everyone to open up their presents. If food was served, it’s likely that the main course has now been replaced with cake and drinks, so go ahead and cut your slice!

After the Reveal

Once the dust has settled and everyone has had a good laugh, it’s your time to start planning the next steps. Now that you know the gender of your baby, it’s time to start thinking about names, nursery colors, and all of the other fun details that come with preparing for a new arrival!

How Long Do Gender Reveals Last?

A gender reveal can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on how much celebrating and partying is going on. But once the big news has been announced, the party is pretty much over!

What Month Should You Do a Gender Reveal?

Well, you’ll need to wait until your little one is big enough to make an appearance in your ultrasound – otherwise, it’ll just be a guessing game.

Generally, it’s recommended that you schedule your gender reveal (if you haven’t already) around the time of your mid-pregnancy ultrasound (around week 20) when the ultrasound technician will be able to see whether you’re expecting a boy or girl.

Do the Parents Know of the Gender Beforehand?  

In most cases, the parents don’t know the gender of their baby before the reveal party. This is part of the fun – finding out along with everyone else! But there are a few exceptions to this rule.

For instance, some couples choose to do a “double reveal”, where they find out the gender of their baby together and then have another party to announce it to everyone else. Other parents find out the gender of their baby at their 20-week ultrasound and then keep the news to themselves until the big reveal party.

Summary and Recap

Now that you know all about how gender reveals work, it’s time to start planning your own party. It’s a momentous occasion, so make sure to celebrate in style. And don’t forget – it doesn’t matter how much money or effort goes into these parties; what matters is just having fun while celebrating one of life’s biggest milestones together as a couple and as a family.

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